First of all - virtually every highway in Oregon is scenic - presenting a never ending array of vistas, forests, rivers, lakes, prairies, deserts and ocean coastline so imagine one of the best and the very first 'scenic highway' in America - and that would be the I-84.

We drove through Portland - hadn't seen traffic for awhile- and joined the I-84 for a lovely drive to the Pendleton Roundup.  The drive is 70 miles through the Columbia Gorge with the river often in sight and perfectly placed charming towns along the way to make it a very easy journey.

We left the I-84 and traveled up into the hills above the gorge at Corbett and the views from the Women's Forum overlook and the Vista house at Crown Point were simply amazing.  Vista House was built in 1917 and houses exhibits, a gift shop, the most charming restrooms anywhere and oh yes, the best view of the Columbia River Gorge - period!  We walked around in the rain, drank coffee and ate amazing cookies!!

We had heard about the fires in Oregon before we arrived in July and many after - but the Eagle Creek fire was the one responsible for all the damage along this beautiful highway - started by a firecracker and a 15 year old boy - causing millions $$ of damage to buildings, roads and habitat.  Much progress has been made and the damage is less obvious and the repair work continues. 

Next we stopped at Multnomah Falls - exit on the left of the highway and park in the middle- walking under the highway through a tunnel with signs up to protect the salmon fry in the little creek and there it is - the most amazing waterfall - ever!  Multnomah Falls is 611 feet tall with cascading , roaring water, icy spray and breathtaking views from the bottom or from Benson Bridge about 1/2 way up.  We enjoyed breakfast at the lodge and I am certain we will look for excuses to drive out to this magical place frequently.  (less than an hour from Portland)

We continued along the route finding a number of falls still closed and under repair but enjoyed the Dams, Locks, Sternwheeler on the river and Mt. Hood , a charming town with hotels, bed n breakfasts, restaurants and a wonderful railroad which offers all sorts of amazing excursions for all ages!!

As we drove the terrain changed from rolling hills and farms to green forests, and then rocky and inhospitable desert - but always beautiful and always Oregon!!!  It was a great day!
