Monday, October 21, 2019

We have a list of day and 1/2 days trips ready to go when there is a break in the weather - LIKE TODAY!

When our grandson James came to visit a few months ago we took a jet boat on the Willamette and visited the falls.  We had a great time and decided to come back and check it out from the river's edge instead of from the middle of it!

We drove about 30 minutes down to Oregon City through the most breathtaking array of yellow, orange and red leaf displays following the voice on our phone to the Willamette Falls Lookout.  We were a bit disappointed to find ourselves up very high with almost no view of the falls so we drove around and figured it out!!!  Turns out you need to cross the river to Oregon City where the road is closer to the water, the amazing falls, old abandoned buildings and rusting locks.  We were dazzled and could not take enough pictures!!!

On our way back we visited Johnson Creek Park which is the beginning of the salmon project walking tour.  Johnson Creek meets Crystal Springs and this is supposedly a great place to view those elusive salmon traveling up-stream to spawn.  Nope!  LOL 

We checked our walking tour map that we printed off the net and decided to take the car and go directly to Reed College where they have a salmon ladder on campus.  The campus is amazing and everyone was very helpful and friendly and we finally found the ladder - but no Salmon!!!  Nope!  We really enjoyed our visit and our drive around a new and really impressive neighborhood of Portland!
